Thursday, July 25, 2024

Top blogging, second quarter of 2024

 I'm not sure if I did a first quarter roundup or not.

Anyway, here goes.

Not all of these were posted in the past three months, but all of them are the top 10 reads of April-June.

No. 10? A follow-up to earlier blogging about one particular new thread of stupidity at r/AcademicBiblical. That's the laughableness of Marcion as First Gospeller.

No. 9? Nearly 20 years old, but a goodie, and part of a strain of thought from me. "More proof the Buddha was no Buddha."

No. 8? Just outside the start of this quarterly window, but my latest thoughts on, yes, Morton Smith was the forger of Secret Mark.

No. 7? No, not a shock to me that many Catholic churches are reversing the clock on things like "nudging" women to wear veils, Tridentine masses, etc. 

No. 6? "A Cerberus of Templeton-prize type ideas" indeed describes the book "The Blind Spot."

No. 5 was more r/AB idiocy, as there really is not proof for the claim Yahweh was originally a Northern Kingdom Omride deity, and the reasoning leading up to that was really stupid, and I have the receipts.

No. 4? God, this one was real stupidity from someone who's been at r/AB for three years, but whom I had missed before last month. NO NO NO and Not.Even.Wrong, Chris(sy) Hansen, 1 Clement does not talk about Peter and Paul getting offed by internal Christian discord.

No. 3? From last year, but newly popular because I posted it to another biblical criticism subreddit. I stood Josiah and Deuteronomy on their heads, starting with a piece by Paul Davidson of "Is That in the Bible," and then heading to a deep read of an Idan Dershowitz monograph about Moses Wilhelm Shapira.

No. 2? Not quite as old as the Buddha, but updated more recently. Keep saying good-bye to alleged atheist and definite cultural Catholic and papal flak-runner Tim O'Neill of "History for Atheists."

No. 1? My full takedown review of Bart Ehrman's "Armageddon," as Bart has written three consecutive dreck books and can he get worse?

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