Thursday, July 18, 2024

"A quarter of a quarter of a quarter" — the real number of "bona fide" Catholics

An interesting story in Texas Monthly about state attorney general Ken Paxton vs El Paso's Annunciation House as a migrants' refuge. But, the "quarter of the state" following Catholic teachings? More likely "a quarter of the quarter," if that.

For example? Gov. Greg Abbott, like many a wingnut Catholic, is a Conservative Cafeteria Catholic because he doesn't follow the Vatican's official stance against the death penalty. And, of course, there are plenty of Liberal Cafeteria Catholics on reproductive issues. I know that, among national Catholic politicians, there's only two I'm aware of — Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey and Michigan Congressman Dan Kildee (I knew his dad) — who walk the walk on both. So, it's more likely "a quarter of a quarter of a quarter." Yes, that means 1/16 of Texas Catholics follow Rome on all major doctrinal issues.

I've just mentioned the two biggest.  Those two together, with ancillary issues, make up the first of the seven pillars of Catholic social justice

The second is about the family, including marriage. We know Francis the Talking Pope opposes gay and lesbian marriage. Could be a few conservatives that support it. About all liberals do, of cours.

No. 4? The poor? Many non-leftist Catholics are essentially Catholic neoliberals, so this is a further split.

Ditto on No. 5 on the rights of workers. Many librul but not leftist Catholics reject the likes of a Dorothy Day.

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