Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Top blogging, first quarter of 2023 — Tacitus, Reddit, more

Let this slip by a bit, but only by a couple of weeks.

Here's a roundup of my top-10 blog post, by readership, in the last three months.

No. 1 and 8 are related. They're part 3, "miscellaneous issues," and part 1, "ritual purity and foods," of my extended review of Yonatan Adler's "The Origins of Judaism."

No. 2 and No. 4? Also related. No. 2 said "Biblical subreddits are not the answer," from recently, building on No. 4, from early this year, talking about "A new sheriff at r/AcademicBiblical." Further contretemps with said person got me banned, about which I posted, but too late in the quarter to hit the top 10.

No. 3 and 10 are also related, from late 2021 and early 2022, respectively. No. 3 asks, "If the Tacitus passage on Nero, the Great Fire and Christians is an interpolation, why?" No. 8 is "More thoughts on Tacitus" etc.

No. 5? Observing Pauline self-contradiction on the issue of food sacrified to idols.

No. 6? An extended book review, wondering if Americans, and their art museums, have really moved that much beyond Philistinism of a century ago.

No. 7? "Does the Dallas Museum of Art need a $175 million overhaul?" I'm skeptical, until other avenues are tried first. Click above for details.

No. 9? I thought, and still think, that pastors worried about ChatGPT doth protest too much.

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