Saturday, March 23, 2019

Having fun with church names and more

As I've said a number of times here and elsewhere, I'm not a Gnu Atheist.

I understand psychology of religion, and its evolutionary background, for one thing.

For another, per religion and "-isms," and observations like that of Camus in "The Rebel," Gnu Atheism is itself quasi-religious in its sociology if not lacking metaphysical beliefs, and many Gnus might be lost without the idea of a god against whom to rebel.

I also appreciate the spirit of the psychology of religion. Between personal CDs and my YouTube library, I have a dozen or so requiems and nearly two dozen other masses, along with Jewish and Sufi Muslim sacred music.

That said, I have no problem poking the Religious Right in America in the eyeball when it leaves it open.

First, we have all these cowboy churches. No cowgirl churches? No cowboy plus cowgirl churches?

Should we have a Brokeback Jesus Cowboy Church then?

Second, we have all these "Bible" churches, like Believers Bible Church. Ignoring their own names for their assemblies, I'd just love to see a Believers Tanakh Church or a Believers Quran Church.

Within that genre, I saw the "Real Life Bible Church." As if a church is going to talk about fake life? This reminds me of all the restaurants offering "authentic" Mexican food. Like you're going to get Chinese food instead? Chow mein disguised as fajitas?

Third, these Bible verses that get quotes, especially the anti-abortion ones. (As most of the Religious Right is hugely pro-death penalty, hugely anti-gun control and hugely anti-national health care, these folks are anti-abortion. Not pro-life.) The ones that are full of lies because there's not a single verse in either one of the two Christian testaments that is explicitly about abortion.

Like Jeremiah 1:5:
Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.

I respond:
After I had been out of the womb long enough, and learned to read things on my own, and think things on my own, I knew that you didn't exist.

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