Saturday, February 08, 2025

A baptismal anniversary is more important than a birthday?

 I normally don't go "snark" here, but, this has seriousness behind the snark.

The idea above was a comment at a family member's Facebook post talking about their baptismal anniversary.

Bottom line is that, you can't have a baptismal anniversary without a birthday. And, for fundagelical types, you can't need a baptism without being born into a world with Christian original sin. (Mormons with pre-existing souls on Kolob need not apply. Modern Anabaptist types can caveat on baptism as needed.)

And, beyond that, it's arguable that fundagelical Christians should hasten the eschaton by going down the antinatalist road and getting rid of both births and baptisms.

If you're REALLY honest, you'd say that a good Christian's death anniversary is more important than either birthday or baptism anniversary because that has them, at least the soul part of them, "sleeping in Jesus' arms" or whatever, until that eschaton is finally here.

Good luck!

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