Thursday, September 19, 2024

Utah no longer Mormon majority

 The LSD Church continues to claim it is, but religious sociology surveys, per the Religious News Service, paint a massively different picture, with the gap between Mormons' own claims and social response surveys having doubled, by percentage points of difference, over the last 30 or so years.

Even more interesting? Utah has dropped to just No. 3, if that, per the RNS piece, in fertility rate. Mormons not making more! The Dakotas are highest, it says (but no link). Guess without any search? American Indian fertility.

Wiki has South Dakota No. 1 as of 2022. Then, Alaska, Nebraska, Louisiana, Utah, North Dakota. Alaska, North Dakota, and probably Nebraska also American Indian births. World Population Review has the two Dakotas, then Alaska and Nebraska, then Utah for 2024. Of note? New Mexico, despite its large American Indian population, is in the bottom one-third of states.

Add to that massive in-migration of non-Mormons and hence the current state of the state.

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