Wednesday, March 13, 2024

A slanderous lying fuq at Patheos

 Shock me that this is something that, on the political side, Charles Kuffner glommed on to.

A Fred Clark claims at Patheos (which I don't go to on my own since they chased the atheists off) that the only diff between White and Black evangelical Christians is racism or not.


For starters, this ignores "liberal evangelicals." Sojourners mag came immediately to my mind. An internet search gives you liberal evangelical Episcopalians for doorknob's sake, and that's a pretty White denomination. Or a liberal evangelical Facebook group.

Second, contra Clark's asterisk that, racism aside, there's actually lots of differences between White and Black, or broader non-White evangelicals overstates those differences.

Third, contra Clark, per an actually academic Christian Century, there's not theological unity within White evangelicals anyway. The unity factor, today, for (conservative) White evangelicals (CC ignores the Sojourners world too) is politics.

Fred Clark could at least be that honest. Shock me that it's at the Slacktivist vertical. That has long been dreck.

Now, per Ryan Burge, one can argue about how politically liberal or not self-proclaimed liberal evangelicals are. But that's a different story. And, per Sojourners' Wiki page, Burge would appear to be right on them not being THAT liberal politically.


Shock me that at another post, also touted by Kuff, Clark rolls out the stupidity of the trolley problem, whose derpity I discussed here a week ago.

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