Thursday, July 20, 2023

Nones vs dones

 "Nones," as many of my readers likely know, is the common current sociology of religion term to agglomerate all people who are not religious, from "spiritual but not religious" through agnostic and on to atheist.

But, this PsyPost piece says we should probably distinguish between "nones" and "dones."

What it's getting at is that there's a difference between people who, whatever their metaphysical beliefs are, have rejected a religious system they were raised with  and those who never were raised with such a system in the first place, the former being "dones" and the later being "nones."

I get the idea, but reworking the idea of "nones" seems open to confusion.

Rather, maybe call the former the "never at alls" and the latter the "not nows."

That said, the piece IS interesting for social psychology differences between the two groups, including being open about their non-religiousness, or not. I can certainly agree with the general idea from personal experience. The Gnu Atheist types should take thoughts like this into account, even though they surely won't.

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