Thursday, June 08, 2023

Yet other political nuttery OnlySky gets wrong

 I've repeatedly called out the Self-Besotted Philosopher, Jonathan M.S. Pearce, for his errors at the semi-Gnu Atheist site.

Now, time to further turn my guns on M.L. Clark.

I saw NAFO Fella and warmonger Nadin Brzezinski touting being on CounterSocial as well as Mastodon instead of Twitter. So, I googled, not having heard of it before. Saw this piece by Clark.

Problem? Yes, starting here:

The Jester, a prominent US hacker with a military background, made the choice to block six countries with high rates of cyber attack from the site: Russia, China, Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Pakistan.

First, banning entire populations of those countries based on their governments' actions is not very secular humanist. Second? Doesn't the US do cyberhacks? Doesn't Israel? The flash-drive hack called Stuxnet says hell yes.

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