Saturday, January 21, 2023

Michael Langlois: The man who led to Jeff Kloha's current job

 Old Concordia Seminary classmate Kloha, as I blogged nearly 3 years ago, with a follow-up to that, due to new details, a few months later, was hired as chief curatorial officer at Hobby Lobby's Museum of the Bible, originally to address the forged pseudo-Dead Sea Scrolls there; his Augean stables work, as I note in the second piece, has since been forcibly expanded beyond that.

And, who is Michael Langlois? A very interesting, very dynamic biblical textual scholar who first demonstrated those pseudo-DSS, and at many places besides Museum of the Bible, were forgeries.

He's been profiled by Smithsonian. The "very interesting" goes back way before his modern academics, starting with growing up in a Pentecostal family in France.

His tools include high-tech digital photography and other things to enhance writing on ancient documents, which given how ancient they are, include stelae and ostraca, not just parchment or papyrus.

Speaking of stelae? I disagree with his take on the Mesha. It may, or may not, be "beth David" that is at the missing end of line 31. And, what if it is? Greek myth refers to a "house of Atreus." Did such a literal person exist? Possibly, possibly not. If he did, we don't know anything about him.

In sort, Copenhagen or semi-Copenhagen interpretations of the Former Prophets aren't dead.

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