Monday, May 31, 2021

Waxing science, waning religion

Note: Per the tagline, I wrote this 12 years ago. While doing a search on my computer recently, I came across it and realized I'd never posted it here.

The slimmest clarion of new crescent moon 
Strives against being horizontally swallowed 
By a modern, urbanized mix 
Of haze, smog, high-rise skyline and near-solstice summer sunset. 
A totem of a more simplistic time 
(Whether simple or not) 
When times were measured by moons 
Along with sacrifices and other aspects of worship 
As the stench of old, dried, burnt blood 
Coated stones, steles, tabernacles and temples; 
Nasty, brutish, short and simplistic, even if not simple. 

Nor bygone. 

Yet today several million lobster loathers, 
And a billion followers of an illiterate itinerant peddler, 
Mark their calendars by that same crescent, 
While well more than a billion adherents 
Of a dead rebel Jew they cluelessly deify 
Mark his death by that same lunar orb. 

What would Earth by like without that Moon? 
No science of Galileo and Apollo landings, 
But no madness of Middle Eastern myths. 
 — May 31, 2009

Per the last stanza, a lot of people have written about how astronomy might be far different without Earth having a satellite, especially one as close as our Moon. And, that sets aside the issue of how the biology of our plant would be different without that.

But, given the centrality of lunar issues to many world religions, even if lunar month observances were secular, as a way of marking time, as well as endowed with religious import, I don't think you can talk about how science would be changed without talking about how religion would as well.

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