Thursday, September 17, 2020

Arguing the bible with fundies on social media

I'm not generally a Gnu Atheist type, but I do occasionally play one on Twitter.

And, so I did a couple of weeks ago, when "Son of God" was trending. I quoted my catchphrase riff on Muhammad from this blog and added Psalm 82:6, in response to several people, including here:
Well, that person responded to my response. His second response tweet said I didn't quote anything from the bible, even with the link, but his third did.

His next response after that? Self-embarrassment:
As shown by my reply tweet:
Said fundy came back at me, with the claim that I didn't know the context, and still refusing to admit he knew nothing about Hebrew. When I checked his feed and saw he was a MAGA, too? Block.

Seriously, fundies? Even if you don't believe that the King James Version/Authorized Version is itself inerrant as a translation? If you don't want to make Apologetics 101 rookie mistakes, learn at least a modicum of actual knowledge about the biblical languages.

Besides, yes, contra Mr. Fundy Zionist, I know that it's a Psalm of judgment. It's judgment on one or more 'kings" or other rulers. Per Psalm 2, rulers in the ancient near East were generally known as "sons of god." Isaiah 9 is lifted straight from the Pharaonic coronation ritual.

So, knowing the basics of Hebrew and Greek writing is a minimum. Knowing the true details of common biblical language at the time they were used is second.

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